
Threat Landscape Archives - Security & Life Safety

Elevating Building Security in Today’s High-Risk Landscape

In today's fast-changing world of security threats, it's crucial to have strong building security measures in place. A startling 34% of businesses have experienced some security breach within the last year, according to a recent report. Organizations across sectors—from private schools and medical buildings to multi-story office complexes and manufacturing facilities—are fortifying their defenses with advanced access controls, real-time intrusion detection systems, and 24/7 surveillance

The Hidden Risks of Aged Security Infrastructure for Rochester NY Businesses

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on what we often discover during a Physical Security Risk Assessment. If your security is rock-solid, this may be the reality check you didn't know you needed. We're diving into the critical security system vulnerabilities often overshadowed by other operational concerns. Spoiler alert: Aged Security Infrastructure is a ticking time bomb.